Niral’s Sugary Bistro Candle Fragrance Oil
Niral's Sugary Bistro Candle Fragrance Oil offers a luxurious, alluring scent perfect for any occasion. Its rich blend of sweet and savory aromas and hints of spice create a distinct, complex aroma that is sure to fill the room. Ideal for creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere in the home.
Buy Sugary Bistro Candle Fragrance Oil - Sugary Bistro Candle Perfume - Niral Industries.
25 ml - 100 ml - 500 ml & 1 Litre Pack available.
This is our one of Finest and wide Running Candle Perfume. One of the Oldest and tried Tested Candle fragrance oil. Various sizes available from 25 ml to 1 litre. Refer 500 ml or 1 Litre for wholesale price.
Good Solubility in Wax and good Cold & Hot Throw. Suggested Blend
7 - 10 - 12 % in Soya Wax Blend
5 - 7% in Paraffin Wax
Suggested to do trial Test.
Niral's Sugary Bistro Candle Fragrance Oil offers a reliable, long-lasting scent sure to please your customers. Available in 25ml, 100ml, 500ml, and 1 litre sizes, it has great solubility in soy and paraffin wax blends and produces a strong cold and hot throw. Recommended usage ranges from 7-12% in soy wax blends to 5-7% in paraffin wax blends, and is sure to make a great addition to any candle.